Food Security

We ensure food security and reduce the populations’ vulnerability to crises.

COOPI Suisse promotes access to safe food sufficient in quantity and quality to guarantee the nutritional aspect of food consumed over time, a healthy life style and the strengthening of the populations’ ability to cope with crises.

We adopt an integrated approach that includes the reinforcement of agricultural and animal production in both rural and urban areas; equitable and sustainable access (for human and animal consumption, and for irrigation); the promotion of good health and hygiene practices and access to efficient health services. We work mainly at individual and family levels by strengthening the entire production system and services wherever possible; we promote the protection of biodiversity and value indigenous productions.

All programs pay attention to mitigating and preventing conflicts which derive from natural resource management.
In contexts where conditions have not compromised the development of a structured and stable agricultural production system, we adopt a ‘supply chain approach’ which consists in supporting, the phases of conservation, processing and marketing of products, in addition to production activities. For this reason, the diffusion of know-how is promoted both for the benefit of communities and local institutions.


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