
We ensure the access to and the exercise of ones rights in conditions of fairness, security and dignity.

COOPI Suisse participates in the implementation of programs to protect human rights by focusing on vulnerable groups such as children and adolescents, women, the elderly, indigenous people, people with disabilities, people with AIDS, refugees and displaced people.

We provide psychosocial services and ensure a multisectoral response, always putting the individual at the center of our interventions. In particular, we guarantee psychosocial support to survivors from gender-based violence and to children associated with armed groups, we promote access to food assistance and support opportunities for discriminated groups, we mitigate the exposure to new threats. In response to the increase of socio-political and environmental crises, we provide protection to the many displaced people and refugees in the areas in which we operate, providing safe shelters, psycho-social, hygiene and sanitation services, guaranteeing access to safe food and water.

To reestablish community mechanisms for the prevention and elimination of violations, we support community mobilization, encouraging the participation of the most vulnerable groups. In addition, we support the empowerment of discriminated groups providing political, economic and social tools to improve their living conditions and to recognise the citizens’ status of equal rights.

Finally, COOPI Suisse also supports the protection of indigenous people, promoting the development of their identity and improving access to basic services, especially in education and health sectors.



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