Festate returns again this year!

On 14 and 15 June, Festate, the festival of world music and cultures, returns to Chiasso, the border town that breaks down cultural barriers and welcomes the whole world.

It will be a multi-ethnic journey full of encounters with sounds and cultures from the five continents, a true crossroads of rhythms from every corner of the planet. A journey in which you will also be able to meet us: we are waiting for you at our information stand to meet us in person and talk about all our projects, present and future, to change history in the world.

Let us experience together a festival that is the emblem of inclusion, sharing, mutual discovery under the banner of the desire to live in respect and harmony.

For information on the programme, go here https://www.centroculturalechiasso.ch/cinema_teatro/festate-xxxii-festival-di-cultura-e-musiche-dal-mondo/

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