Clean water and hygiene in Venezuela

Venezuela is a country experiencing a difficult economic crisis and all the problems are affecting the population, especially the most fragile people. In fact, the crisis has become social and there are many problems. One of these is related to hygiene and health. One of these is related to hygiene and health.

Especially in rural areas, one cannot afford proper sanitation or drinking water and this, of course, affects the health of the communities.

Thanks to your valuable presence, we are responding promptly to the emergency caused by the financial problems the country is experiencing, which has put families at risk, by improving access to clean water and sanitation in health facilities.

In particular, we have taken action to support the SRI Lomas del Callao Community Health Centre by building a well to increase the water supply and installing a filter to ensure that it is safe and drinkable.

Toilets will also be replaced or rebuilt according to sanitary standards and will be supplied with cleaning materials. Finally, we are in the process of training the health staff in good waste disposal practices to improve the conditions of the facility itself.

Together with you, an entire community of 1,175 people will be able to receive medical care in a safe and compliant facility!

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