Almost a year ago, the Aziende Industriali of Lugano (AIL) decided to contribute to financing our project in Ethiopia, you remember?
The good news today is that not only them, but also the Municipality of Collina d'Oro decided to participate in the campaign "Centesimo di solidarietà" (one cent for solidarity) and allocate its contribution to the COOPI Suisse project in Ethiopia.
Thanks to the AIL and the Municipality of Collina d'Oro we were able to build three wells and bring clean water directly to 1.500 beneficiaries and 7.500 potential users in the surrounding areas. The people living in this region continue to suffer from the consequences of the meteorological phenomenon "El Nino" that caused "the greatest drought in 30 years" in the entire eastern and southern part of Africa. The intense impact of this humanitarian crisis has resulted in a high level of malnutrition for the 2.5 million people of which more than 450.000 are in a state of severe malnutrition; 5.6 million farmers are in need due to difficulties with the crops; 5.8 million people have limited access to water.